Where are you in your relationship with the King of Glory?

Whether yours is that of a “Solid Rock” relationship, a neither here nor there relationship or you are totally clueless of what being Christlike feels, here at RCCG, SALVATION CENTER, SAN MARCOS, TEXAS, ours is to take you into a deeper relationship with the Lord that endures into Eternity.

While head Knowledge is good, we sincerely believe that a true walk with the lord is undeniably greater and heavenly rewarding. This is our goal, to engage you from your present level of relationship to one of questing for more of God daily.

We invite you to come worship and enjoy the company of a true family-oriented atmosphere where the true love of God is exemplified.

woman standing up on praise and worship event

Our CommitmentMission Statement

As received by the General Overseer (G.O.), Pastor E. A. Adeboye, and communicated to the Headquarters leaders, our vision and mission statement shall remain intact, with a qualifying addendum in view of the peculiarity of the demography in the North American region.

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Do you have any concerns or questions about us or our ministries? Please feel free to send them to us here.

Daily Bible Readings

We want you to be filled with His words. Feel free to meditate with us today!

Send Your Prayer Requests

We can be united in prayer. Allow us to pray for you today!

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little boy letting go of a dove